



食谱来自Google 搜索- 某个部落格, 谢谢食谱分享者 ^^



蛋白 4个(冰的)
细砂糖 70g
塔塔粉 1/4tsp


蛋黄 4个
牛油 180g
细砂糖 20g
鲜奶 20ml
低筋面粉 180g(过筛备用)( 我用自发面粉)
可可粉 3tbsp


1. 把蛋分好后,将蛋白放在一个干净的容器里用电动搅拌器打至起泡.

2. 当开始起泡时,把一半的细砂糖倒入蛋白,再把塔塔粉也一起加入.

3. 当蛋白打到湿性发泡,把剩下的细砂糖一并加入继续搅拌至硬性发泡放置一旁备用.

4. 把牛油和细砂糖打发呈乳白状.

5. 把蛋黄分次加入,每一次加入搅拌均匀后才加下一次.

6. 把低粉分成两次筛入蛋黄糊里,用刮刀搅拌均匀.

7. 先把1/3的蛋白糊参进蛋黄面糊里用刮刀搅拌均匀. 接下来再把剩余的蛋白霜和蛋黄糊搅拌成光滑的面糊.(P/S: 因为蛋白霜放置了一阵子,所以可以在加之前用搅拌器稍微搅拌至比较有光泽再拌进蛋黄糊里.)

8. 把拌好的面糊分成两份,其中一份筛入可可粉后倒入牛奶搅拌均匀.

9. 用两个一样大小的汤匙,一汤匙巧克力面糊一汤匙原味面糊这样放进7寸蛋糕模里直到将面糊做完.

10. 面糊装好后,在桌上轻敲几下,把多余的空气敲出.

11. 放入预热150度的烤箱烤50分钟,熟后待凉脱模即可享用.^^

Ingredients :
4 Egg White
Powder Tartar 1/4tsp
70 g castor sugar
( B )
180 g butter
20 g castor sugar
4 yolk
180 g low protein flour ( I put self rising flour )
20ml milk
cocoa powder 3tbsp
Method :
(A) beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the cream of tartar and continue to beat until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.

1. Beat butter and sugar till white and fluffy.
2. Add in egg one at a time and beat till well combined after each addition.
3. Fold in sifted flour, mixed well
4. Put 1/3 of (A) into (B), mixed well,bal of 2/3 put into & mixed well again
5. Seperate batter into two portions. In one portion of the batter, add in the cocoa powder following with milk and mix well.
6. Then spoon in plain and chocolate batter in the 7”cake pan alternately until finish.
6. Bake at pre-heated oven at 150 degree for 50 mins or until skewer comes out clean.

