当想要放弃,我会牢牢谨记当初为了什么而坚持。。尽管他人笑我太痴狂, 我依然爱烘焙,爱拍摄。。这就是我, 仅向自已心的方向走。。
yes jess dear, We need to think and move forward, old people who left us by, we need to keep walking, looking forward for meeting the right people..
亲爱的Jong, 即然是过客就只注定擦肩而过,依然深信会在对的时间遇上对的人, 人间依然处处有温情,让我们一起为人生旅程加油^^
yes jess dear, We need to think and move forward, old people who left us by, we need to keep walking, looking forward for meeting the right people..
回复删除亲爱的Jong, 即然是过客就只注定擦肩而过,依然深信会在对的时间遇上对的人, 人间依然处处有温情,让我们一起为人生旅程加油^^